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Video Features

Neighborhood Highlights: Capturing the essence of the local area, we include footage that showcases nearby attractions and amenities.


Exterior and Interior Footage: A balanced showcase of both the external architecture and the internal design of the property.


Location Details: Highlighting the property’s location to give viewers a comprehensive understanding of its surroundings.


Length of Video: The video stays around the 1-minute range depending on how much is needed to be shown on the property.


Production Process

Arranging the Shoot: We collaborate with you to find the best time to film the property.


Filming Duration: The filming process takes 1–2 hours, varying based on the property’s size and details.


Editing and Soundtrack: In the post-production phase, we carefully edit the footage and add a fitting soundtrack. This enhances the emotional appeal of the video, creating a stronger connection between the viewer and the property.


The final video will be delivered in high-quality format, suitable for both online and offline platforms.


Pricing and Special Offer

For our first-time clients, we offer a special introductory discount of 50% off our standard rate. This discounted rate is based on a mutually agreed price, considering factors like the size of the property and the time required for filming and editing.


If you are pleased with our work and choose to continue our partnership, subsequent videos will be priced at our standard rate, which we will determine together based on the specific requirements of each property.

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